Create A Lasting Partnership with the Children, Fans, & Your Business

Drag racing is one of the fastest growing fields of motorsports and has devoted spectators and racers. Research has shown that fans of auto racing are significant contributors to the consumer market and place a high priority to product and company sponsorship. Boise drag racing events draw many people from around North America. Press coverage at racing events includes camera, television, print journalism, and web crews. It is our goal to meet sponsor and education needs, adding to the positive experience for students.

"It's great seeing kids so excited about learning and racing."

Mark Adams of Northwest Power Systems

"We are so excited to be a part of such a great program!"

Bert of McDowells Upholstery


Photos Taken


Press Releases






Our uniqueness sets us apart from other racing teams. Not only do we have a female driver, who is a school teacher, our entire program is DEDICATED TO TEACHING KIDS while we promote your company.


We are a 'feel good' story and made for television. Get your name seen and heard by thousands.


Real volunteers who are making a difference in the lives of children. Readers support our sponsors.


Nothing connects more personal and more local then reaching radio listeners. We got 'em.


From Facebook to Twitter, and websites, we are engaging and inspiring followers across Idaho.

highly visible, interactive advertising

Gain new and loyal consumers of your products & services through a variety of venues.

  • racecar

    Get the biggest attention possible with your ad on the side of our race car.

  • trailer

    The race car transporter is a rolling billboard seen by fans and consumers in Boise.

  • website

    Get connected to mobile, tablet, and desktop users with logos, links, and more on our website.

  • Apparel

    Company logos featured on all official STEM Racing shirts, hats, and firesuit.

  • self-liquidation

    Toot your own horn with giveaways, samples, coupons, specials, and more.

  • social media

    Share your story and brand on our network of social media sites.

Talk To Brenda Today About Sponsorship Opportunities


Our top sponsors